If you frequently find yourself having pains in the same areas day after day or you’re waking during the night around the same time night after night, work on supporting those organs. Also consider working on anything that comes up for you in the Issues column that might be associated with those body processes.
3am-5am | Lungs | Breathing | Grief, Sadness |
5am-7am | Large Intestine | Awaken, Elimination | Guilt, Defensiveness, Stuck |
7am-9am | Stomach | Eating | Disgust, Despair |
9am-11am | Pancreas/Spleen | Working, Clarity | Jealousy, Worry, Low Self-esteem |
11am-1pm | Heart | Meetings, Social, Joy | Intense Sadness |
1pm-3pm | Small Intestine | Sorting, Organizing | Insecure, Vulnerable, Abandoned |
3pm-5pm | Bladder | Sleepy, Restore yourself | Irritation, Timid |
5pm-7pm | Kidney | Driving, Energetic | Fear, Terror |
7pm-9pm | Pericardium | Reproductive organs, and Social Brain activity (Pituitary & Hypothalamus), Socializing, Romantic relationships | Unresponsive, Hurt, Inability to express emotions, Depleted |
9pm-11pm | Triple Warmer (Blood vessels, Arteries) | Metabolism (Thyroid & Adrenals), Energy Transfer, Regulates Temperature | Relaxing, Hopelessness, Confusion, Paranoia |
11pm-1am | Gall Bladder | Sleeping, Regenerating | Bitterness, Resentment |
1am-3am | Liver | Deep Resting, Dreaming | Anger, Frustration, Rage |