You’re probably here because you’re someone who’s been sick for a long time or you were recently diagnosed with something that has a scary name. I know how hard that can feel and I’m glad you’re here.
This website contains pretty much everything I know about physical, emotional, and mental healing as well as the mind/body connection after almost two decades of mentoring and leading workshops up and down the West Coast. You can read more about my story and what I offer clients here, consider working with me one-on-one here, or join my private community, Blooms In The Garden, where you can spend time with me several times a week, hone skills to help support your health journey, and learn to use creativity and whimsy for your health!
But, long story short, I know my stuff because I’ve lived it, and it’s my great honor to share what I know with others.
First things first: Being ill is not a failure. Your body is not your enemy.
This process can be overwhelming. You’re trying to figure out what’s not working about your current approach to health and make changes that will make an impact. When you feel impatient because things aren’t happening fast enough, remember these tips:
1. It takes about 90 days for your body to relax and believe you when you start to make changes. Mark it on your calendar and keep encouraging yourself on your journey. After about 30 days, things will start to get easier, and after 60, it starts to get exciting.
2. Small changes stick more often than huge ones. Choosing one small change and being able to stick to it will benefit you far more than big changes done for only a short time. Join my 30 Days of Anything group on Substack.
3. Check the Allover Body Checklist for ideas on where you can take your next steps.
4. Every single step you take towards wellness counts, no matter how small.
This is the perfect time to make changes. There are dozens of ways to do it right and there is nothing fundamentally wrong with you. You are perfectly and uniquely flawed just like everyone else on the planet and you’re right on time for this part of your journey. (Also, don’t underestimate the power of throwing something against the wall to get out some frustration every now and again.)